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What Causes Sciatica and How is it Treated

Dr. Gunnar Hollier • Jul 21, 2022

Sciatica is pain that travels down the leg from the lower back. Irritation, pinching, or inflammation of the sciatic nerve causes it. People often confuse the symptoms with general lower back pain, as they both originate from the lower back. 

The leading cause is the compression of the sciatic nerve, the longest and widest nerve in the body. The nerve is also responsible for controlling and supplying sensation in several muscles. Any irritation of this nerve can cause mild to severe pain, sensation loss and or muscle weakness. This article will disseminate information about sciatica pain, its causes, and various treatment options.

What Is Sciatica?

Before we get deeper, note that sciatica is not a condition but a symptom. It is nerve pain caused by injury or irritations of the sciatic nerve. The nerve travels along both sides of the body, and each side has five nerve roots. Three are on the sacrum (the last section of the spine) and two are from the lumbar (lower back region).

Although most people refer to any back pain from the lower region as sciatica, injury of this nerve often present differently. Although, both have symptoms such as inflammation, irritation, and a pinching sensation in your lower back. Other symptoms may include:

  • Moderate to severe shock-like sensations

  • Weak muscles

  • Tingling and numbness

  • Burning sensation

What Causes Sciatica?

The leading cause is the irritation of the sciatic nerve in your lower lumbar and sacrum. However, symptoms may be caused by many factors, such as

  • Narrowing of the spinal canal

  • Disk Bulges

  • Pregnancy

  • Muscle spasm in the back or buttocks (Piriformis Syndrome) 

There are also risk factors that may cause sciatica. These factors are primarily uncontrollable, and they include: 


As one ages, nerves, bones, and muscles degenerate. In addition, when one becomes older, the body breaks down, leading to nerve inflammation. This is a significant risk factor, as it alters many normal body functions and systems.


Although there is limited scientific research to prove this, people who engage in jobs where they bend and twist their back and overwork their spine may develop sciatica symptoms. Sedentary occupations and lifestyles also contribute to the worsening of the symptoms.

Weight Gain

The more the weight, the higher the chances of developing the symptoms. This is because weight increases stress on your spine, which can lead to spinal changes. Your spine also compresses, which irritates the nerves because of disc bulges.


Spinal disorders are the leading causes of sciatica, and most of these disorders are genetic. For instance, degenerative disc disorder is a genetic spinal condition that causes sciatica. Thus, people who have spinal complications in their families have higher chances of developing sciatica.


For diabetes is a chronic condition that affects your entire body. People with blood sugar complications have numerous symptoms that may damage their nerves and organs. Higher chances of nerve damage and irritation mean one can develop sciatica quickly.


For menopause brings many body changes, such as bone loss, which leads to nerve damage and irritation. People approaching menopause should to a doctor about how to mitigate bone loss.

How Can Sciatica Be Effectively Treated?

Although the symptoms may come and go, some situations require a chiropractor’s intervention. If the symptoms progress, consider a diagnosis from a chiropractor. This will help determine whether the pain is truly due to nerve damage or other tissues. There are many approaches, such as self-care, medication, therapies, and medical procedures, that can treat sciatica, as articulated below:


HD Performance Chiropractic has up-to-date treatment options for your sciatica. The primary sciatica treatment used at HD Performance Chiropractic in Katy is spinal decompression therapy. Spinal decompression therapy decompresses the spine and aids in rehydrating the intervertebral discs, taking pressure off the nerve. Other treatment options include spinal manipulation and spinal mobilization. Such techniques help in realigning the spine and attenuating pain and discomfort.

Most people visit a chiropractor when things get worse. This should not be the case, as visiting HD Performance Chiropractic can help prevent such symptoms rather than treating after the fact. You can also get other chiropractic treatments for joint/muscle pain, headaches, chronic back pain, and accident recovery.


Other chiropractic treatments may include stretching and massage to help treat sciatica. When your body stretches, you will enhance flexibility, which boosts physical functions. Massage helps in relaxing muscles and treatment of body stress and pain. Get the best exercise prescriptions from HD Performance Chiropractic.

Other vital roles played by therapies include improving blood circulation and relaxing tight muscles. Massage ensures that the surrounding tissues and muscles are free from tension, creating a better healing environment. Some studies have proven that massage helps in releasing endorphins. These are pressure receptors in your brain that help in releasing endorphins (a hormone that makes your body feel good). 


Numerous medications, such as analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, help relieve pain and inflammation. Muscle relaxants help in mitigating muscle tension and relieving discomfort. Steroids also play a crucial role in stimulating hormone effects to reduce inflammation. There are also nerve pain medications that block pain due to nerve damage.


Many lower back exercises can help you deal with sciatica. This is because staying active improves spine health and overall fitness. The best exercises ensure that you have:

  • Better bone health

  • Boosted muscle strength

  • Nourished spinal discs

  • Improved blood flow

  • Reduced stiffness

Note that a sedentary lifestyle causes the back muscles and structures to be deconditioned. This makes them weak and stiff, which leads to pain and discomfort. Sciatica typically improves within 4 to 6 weeks, but exercises help speed up recovery.

Final Thoughts

Sciatica can cause pain and a burning sensation on one side of the body. Its leading cause is irritation and/ or damage to the nerves. Other causes of sciatica include age, weight gain, diabetes, and genetics. It is best to go see your local Katy chiropractor at HD Performance Chiropractic as the symptoms may progress and become severe.

HD Performance Chiropractic
 provides top-notch chiropractor services to ensure patients get relief from pain and discomfort quickly and efficiently. The company has personalized care that fits any of your needs to help you get back to your everyday life. Tour the website today and book your chiropractic appointment for the best treatment options available.

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Headaches are a common ailment that can significantly impact one's quality of life. Among the various types of headaches, cervicogenic and occipital headaches are particularly troublesome as they originate from issues in the neck and upper back. In recent years, cervical spinal decompression has gained attention as a non-invasive and effective treatment option for individuals suffering from these types of headaches. In this blog post, we will explore how cervical spinal decompression can help relieve cervicogenic and occipital headaches. Understanding Cervicogenic and Occipital Headaches Cervicogenic headaches are headaches that originate from problems in the cervical spine or neck region. These headaches are often described as dull, aching, and are typically one-sided. Occipital headaches, on the other hand, are characterized by pain localized at the back of the head, near the base of the skull. The Link Between Cervical Spine and Headaches Several studies conducted over the last five years have established a strong connection between cervical spine issues and cervicogenic and occipital headaches. These headaches are often triggered or exacerbated by tension, muscle spasms, or structural abnormalities in the neck. When the cervical spine is tense or compressed, it can lead to irritation of the nerves in the neck region, resulting in pain that radiates to the head. How Cervical Spinal Decompression Works Cervical spinal decompression is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment method that aims to relieve pressure on the cervical spine and promote healing. It involves the use of specialized equipment, such as a spinal decompression table, to gently stretch the spine and create negative pressure within the spinal discs. This negative pressure can help realign the spine, reduce inflammation, and improve blood flow to the affected area. Benefits of Cervical Spinal Decompression Cervical spinal decompression offers several benefits for individuals suffering from cervicogenic and occipital headaches: Non-Invasive: Unlike surgical interventions, cervical spinal decompression is non-invasive and does not require anesthesia or hospitalization. Pain Relief: It provides effective pain relief by addressing the root cause of headaches, reducing muscle tension, and promoting spinal alignment. Improved Quality of Life: Research indicates that individuals who undergo cervical spinal decompression experience improvements in their overall quality of life, including reduced disability and better functioning. Cervicogenic and occipital headaches can be debilitating, but recent research has shown that cervical spinal decompression can be a promising and effective treatment option. If you have been struggling to find a long term solution, spinal decompression therapy is a great option. It does not just mask the pain but gets to the true root of the problem. This non-invasive approach helps alleviate pain, reduce the frequency of headaches, and enhance the overall well-being of individuals suffering from these conditions. If you are struggling with cervicogenic or occipital headaches, consulting with a healthcare professional who specializes in cervical spinal decompression may be a step toward finding relief and improving your quality of life.
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Chiropractic care is often thought of as a treatment option for adults, but it can also be very beneficial for young patients. At HD Performance Chiropractic , we treat patients as young as seven years old. We can treat patients younger than 7, but they must be at an age where they are able to communicate effectively so we can understand the condition and treat it appropriately. When it comes to treating young patients, communication is key. We take the time to explain what chiropractic care is and how it can help them. We also make sure to use language that is easy to understand, so they feel comfortable and confident in their treatment. Dr. Hollier has a background in coaching youth sports where he was able to learn the value of breaking communication down for young athletes to understand. We know that it can be intimidating for young patients to receive treatment, so we strive to create a warm and welcoming environment that puts them at ease. Young patients respond very well to chiropractic care. Chiropractic adjustments are meant to be gentle and non-painful, making them a great option for young patients who may be nervous about receiving treatment. Additionally, chiropractic care can help with a variety of conditions that are common in young patients, such as back and neck pain, sports injuries, and sport specific joint pains. One area where chiropractic care can be particularly beneficial for young patients is in helping them maintain flexibility. This is especially important for young athletes, who are often pushing their bodies to the limit and growing by the week. By maintaining flexibility, young athletes can avoid injury and improve their performance on the field or court. At HD Performance Chiropractic , we use a variety of techniques to help young patients maintain flexibility, including stretching, manual therapy, and chiropractic adjustments. We work with young athletes to develop personalized treatment plans that meet their unique needs and help them achieve their goals. Whether your child is dealing with a specific condition or simply wants to maintain their flexibility, we are here to help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about how we can help your child feel their best.
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As a parent, coach, or player, it can be concerning when your child complains of elbow pain during Little League season. This pain can be the result of a condition called Little League elbow, which is a common overuse injury in young baseball players. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent this injury and help young athletes stay on the field. In this post, we'll discuss Little League elbow and how we can help prevent it with conservative care. What is Little League Elbow? Little League elbow is a condition that occurs when the repetitive throwing motion in baseball puts too much stress on the growth plates in the elbow. Growth plates are areas of developing cartilage and bone tissue in children and adolescents, and they are more vulnerable to injury than mature bone. When the growth plates in the elbow are overused, they can become inflamed, leading to pain and discomfort. Little League elbow is most common in pitchers, but it can also affect other positions that require throwing, such as catchers and infielders. Symptoms of Little League elbow can include pain on the inside of the elbow, swelling, stiffness, and decreased range of motion. Preventing Little League Elbow with Conservative Care At HD Performance Chiropractic, we offer conservative care to help prevent Little League elbow in young athletes. Our approach focuses on proper training, conditioning, and rehabilitation to support healthy growth and development of the elbow and arm. Here are some of the ways we can help prevent Little League elbow: 1. Proper Throwing Mechanics - Our staff can assess your child's throwing mechanics and make corrections to prevent excessive stress on the elbow. We can also teach your child proper warm- up and cool-down techniques to reduce the risk of injury. 2. Strengthening and Conditioning - We can develop a customized exercise program to strengthen the muscles and ligaments that support the elbow and arm. This can help reduce the strain on the growth plates during throwing and increase overall performance. 3. Rest and Recovery - It's important to allow time for rest and recovery between games and practices to allow the growth plates to heal. Our staff can help you develop a plan for balancing training and rest to prevent overuse injuries. 4. Manual Therapy - It is extremely important to work through excessive tightness in the forearm musculature to help prevent elbow injuries. Having these tools is key to staying pain free all season. At HD Performance Chiropractic, we offer conservative care to help prevent Little League elbow and keep young athletes healthy. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about our approach to preventing sports injuries.
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